Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Plusses and Minuses of Blogs in the Classroom

I have learned so much about blogging and technology in this class. I think that all of us are much more comfortable and confident in our abilities to accurately make post to our blogs. When I began this course I had heard of a blog and looked at a few but did not realize the purpose or importance in them.
I am confident that I will use a blogs in my classroom. I will post school and class news, lunch menus, homework assignments, links to educational sites, and many more things on my class blog. I think that this will be beneficial for parents to keep up with what is going on the classroom.
One minus that I can think of is that it is quite time consuming during the learning process to complete assignments. Once one grasps the concept it is much easier to maneuver around and make changes to the layout, post pictures, and post links on a blog. I do not think that teachers can make the blog a manditory requirement for homework purposes because all students do not have access to the internet at home.
I read another blog from a student in our class (Brian), I enjoyed his posts because his views are much the same as mine.

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