Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Grades K-5 How podcasts can be of use to me as a teacher

Observe Clouds
This short podcast was to teach the importance of observing clouds. The clouds travel at varying speed and change shape. Some also disappear. This would be a fun podcast to watch to incorporate into a science lesson for kindergartners.

Energy Flow in the Coral Reef Ecosystem
"City of Coral"
An excellent educational video on coral reef ecosystems. This would make great a great lesson to work in conjunction with the textbook material for a science lesson for 5th graders.

These, and other podcasts like them, make great supplimental educational tools for teachers. They will compliment or expand upon the knowledge in the text and give another viewpoint to help students understand what is being taught to them. I had no idea that there was so much information on iTunes. I thought that only movies and music existed on iTunes. I will certainly use educational podcasts in my classoom.

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