Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

INTERNATIONAL School/Teacher Blogs

file:///Users/christinaardoin/Desktop/wU1oYYTNE9YPtk_wl0czIA.htm# (link to photos)

Mellons Bay School is located in Auckland, New Zealand. Room 12 is a class of 8-9 year olds to participate in this class blog. On this blog the class has access to classroom assignments, homework, podcast, web links, and the school's website. Students can also e-mail their teacher from this blog. Additionally, students can create, edit, and comment on posts on their classroom blog.
front cover of the book, Goodnight Mister Tom
This blog is the compilation of perspectives from a group of students age 11-12 from Bucklands Beach Intermediate School, in Auckland, New Zealand. This book about life in World War 2. Each student posts responses from various aspects of the novel. For example, from the point of view of the Actor, Poet, Predictor, and Word Wizard.

Blogs in US Schools
students at Trantwood Elementary School

My first blog is for Trantwood Elementary School, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Trantwood uses their blog to keep parents informed on school news. Parents can visit the blog to view Clay Animation Films. Parents can view and comment on different topics dealing with their children and their school. Students can follow links to assist in homework and additional study aids. A third grade class has a podcast posted on the blog for friends, family, and others to listen to. This blog is a very useful tool for the students and parents of students that attend Trantwood Elementary.
Students on Earth Day from Meriwether Lewis Elementary School
Meriwether Lewis Elementary School is located in Portland, Oregon. Meriwether Lewis uses their blog to keep parents informed on upcoming events going on at school. Parents can view and comment in various ways on this site. Parents can view their childrens' school menu and view and/or print the weekly newsletter. Parents and students can view photos of teachers and students.

Shift Happens

After watching this movie, I feel in awe, I am so surprised! I have never really thought so much about technology. I just try to keep up with it. That has been incredibly hard to do without being in college. Now that I am back in college, I am forced to embrace technology, which is wonderful. This course is incredible. I had no idea that I would learn so much from it. I begged my advisor to not make me take this course because I have completed two similar college courses. I have learned more so far from this course than from the two others combined.

Our children/students need informed teachers to teach them the cutting edge of technology. As we all know, as soon as technology comes about it is almost obsolete. Technology is a part of our everyday lives. I think that children as young as 3 and as old as senior citizens use technology in one form or another everyday. As educators, we need to stay up to date on all technological advances to prepare our students for the future. We need not think of technology on the basis of today, but on the basis of in the future. We need to ask ourselves, "Is what I am teaching today going to be useful next week, or next month, or even next year?" If the answer is no, then we need to be more educated to teach our children useful information. Also, American children need to be as educated as foreign children.


ACCESS stands for Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators, and Students Statewide. By August 2009 all Alabama high schools will have ACCESS Distance Learning. ACCESS uses online and interactive video conferencing technology to provide advanced diploma courses, additional course offerings, advanced placement or dual enrollment courses, remediation and supplemental resources. With the addition of ACCESS in our school system, a schools location (rural or metropolitan) has nothing to do with what courses are available to our students. If the subject is taught on the ACCESS system, our students can take the course no matter what Alabama high school they attend or what courses their high school offers.
I think that this system will greatly enhance the education that each of our high school students receive. For example, students can learn Mandarin Chinese I, French, Latin, Psychology, various Advanced Placement courses, and Marine Science. These are just a few of the many options available. I have never heard of ACCESS before now, and look forward to seeing one of these labs firsthand. I think that this is a wonderful technological step forward for the State of Alabama and the future of our high school students.