Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blogs in US Schools
students at Trantwood Elementary School

My first blog is for Trantwood Elementary School, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Trantwood uses their blog to keep parents informed on school news. Parents can visit the blog to view Clay Animation Films. Parents can view and comment on different topics dealing with their children and their school. Students can follow links to assist in homework and additional study aids. A third grade class has a podcast posted on the blog for friends, family, and others to listen to. This blog is a very useful tool for the students and parents of students that attend Trantwood Elementary.
Students on Earth Day from Meriwether Lewis Elementary School
Meriwether Lewis Elementary School is located in Portland, Oregon. Meriwether Lewis uses their blog to keep parents informed on upcoming events going on at school. Parents can view and comment in various ways on this site. Parents can view their childrens' school menu and view and/or print the weekly newsletter. Parents and students can view photos of teachers and students.

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