Monday, August 25, 2008


ALEX stands for Alabama Learning Exchange. ALEX is a comprehensive website that includes Educational Web links divided into three categories, 1. Teacher, 2. Administrative, and 3. Student web links. There is also a link to all Alabama content standards. One can create an ALEX account which allows the user to create class or teacher web pages. Under the section of lesson plans, one can create his/her own lesson plans or access ALEX lesson plans. There are links to important Alabama Department of Education information, organized in a very easy to follow manner.
I will be a Special Education teacher. I think that this website will be very useful to me as a first time teacher to create lesson plans. I also think that the search feature on the Alabama content standards will make it easier to ensure that all content standards are being addressed. There is another section called tips and tricks with technology tips and tutorials. There is also a web link to ACCESS Distance Learning which I will describe in detail in the next post.

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